twinkle, little star.
do you wonder what you are?
a thousand miles, and inches apart,
your mind feels tangible by day,
lucid by night.
little steps to clarity,
your feet may take,
sluggishly the clarity slips away.
the wretched sun, over the brook,
the wretched rain, the wretched peace.
your dreams of calm, I snatch,
render you with pain,
fecundate with chaos.
revel in the langour,
slowly eating away at you.
luxuria, gula, ira, invidia,
avaricia, acedia, superbia,
your seven comrades,
shall never leave your side.
little star, find beauty in death,
in agony of brothers,
in grieving sisters.
your mind performs le danse macabre,
flames shall lash against your skin,
burning with the wasted brilliance,
you once carried,
burning with it, your wasted heart,
your wasted soul.
rest in peace, little star,
you will never wonder what you are.